Welcome to THE OPEN CHEST CONFIDENCE ACADEMY founded in December 2020, by multi-award-winning entrepreneur & media personality, Raj Girn.
As an immigrant, woman of colour, and single mother, Raj often experienced a lack of confidence competing in the workplace, feeling that she wasn’t educated enough, skilled enough, or experienced enough. Simply put, she felt that she wasn’t good enough to compete in the male-dominated environment that the workplace is (still) designed to support. She felt that she was always fighting other women for that one token “woman” position in corporate executive teams, even though statistics prove that women-led companies far out-produce those of their male counterparts.
To her surprise, she came across many women from all walks of life who shared similar stories. They just couldn’t get the breaks they deserved and therefore thought it was because they simply weren’t (good) enough.
Realizing that there was a huge void in the system, after 2-decades as a successful entrepreneur, Raj made the conscious decision to stop complaining about the inequities and find a way to fill the gaps herself.
In order to equalize the playing field between genders (hierarchal powerplay) and within the sisterhood (scarcity mindset), she founded a one-stop, holistic community at THE OPEN CHEST CONFIDENCE ACADEMY, conducive to women’s sensibilities to learn, to provide resources and networking opportunities to empower their narrative to compete in the game of life, as well as to give back to the women who are coming up behind them.
This led Raj to create this 3-tiered Academy, Agency, and Foundation for women in leadership positions to build and amplify their brands, so as to create unflinching confidence for success in all aspects of life.
In February 2024, after over 3 years in business, she and her team acquired enough data to expand and diversify the mission, which led, in January 2025, to spear-heading the launch of TOCCA 2.0 with a complete rebrand to serve bigger, better, and more.
Explore our ‘About’ pages to discover the heart of who we are, what we do, who we serve, what they say about us, the foundation that fuels our giveback initiatives, and the valued partners who stand alongside us in true, aligned purpose, helping us provide a 360-degree landscape to help our clients level up to a category of their own!
Click the thumbnails below for access!
Welcome to THE OPEN CHEST CONFIDENCE ACADEMY founded in December 2020, by multi-award-winning entrepreneur & media personality, Raj Girn.
As an immigrant, woman of colour, and single mother, Raj often experienced a lack of confidence competing in the workplace, feeling that she wasn’t educated enough, skilled enough, or experienced enough.
Simply put, she felt that she wasn’t good enough to compete in the male-dominated environment that the workplace is (still) designed to support.
She felt that she was always fighting other women for that one token “woman” position in corporate executive teams, even though statistics prove that women-led companies far out-produce those of their male counterparts.
To her surprise, she came across many women from all walks of life who shared similar stories. They just couldn’t get the breaks they deserved and therefore thought it was because they simply weren’t (good) enough.
Realizing that there was a huge void in the system, after 2-decades as a successful entrepreneur, Raj made the conscious decision to stop complaining about the inequities and find a way to fill the gaps herself.
In order to equalize the playing field between genders (hierarchal powerplay) and within the sisterhood (scarcity mindset), she founded a one-stop, holistic community at THE OPEN CHEST CONFIDENCE ACADEMY, conducive to women’s sensibilities to learn, to provide resources and networking opportunities to empower their narrative to compete in the game of life, as well as to give back to the women who are coming up behind them.
This led Raj to create this 3-tiered Academy, Agency, and Foundation for women in leadership positions to build and amplify their brands, so as to create unflinching confidence for success in all aspects of life.
In February 2024, after over 3 years in business, she and her team acquired enough data to expand and diversify the mission, which led, in January 2025, to spear-heading the launch of TOCCA 2.0 with a complete rebrand to serve bigger, better, and more.
Explore our ‘About’ pages to discover the heart of who we are, what we do, who we serve, what they say about us, the foundation that fuels our giveback initiatives, and the valued partners who stand alongside us in true, aligned purpose, helping us provide a 360-degree landscape to help our clients level up to a category of their own!
Click the thumbnails below for access!
DISCLAIMER: The content in this website and all that is associated with TOCCA in perpetuity, is being provided to the public for educational and informational purposes only as professional development and self-help skills and resources. We do not guarantee that these are “quick fix”, “get-rich-quick”, or “get-famous” schemes, or that they will guaranteed career and / or personal advancement. The results vary person to person depending on various factors outside of the context and control of the offers / services / products in this website or in TOCCA. Duly, the information herein is to be used with your own judgment and at your own risk. For disputes, email us at [email protected].
DISCLAIMER: The content in this website and all that is associated with TOCCA in perpetuity, is being provided to the public for educational and informational purposes only as professional development and self-help skills and resources. We do not guarantee that these are “quick fix”, “get-rich-quick”, or “get-famous” schemes, or that they will guaranteed career and / or personal advancement. The results vary person to person depending on various factors outside of the context and control of the offers / services / products in this website or in TOCCA. Duly, the information herein is to be used with your own judgment and at your own risk. For disputes, email us at [email protected].
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