Ep 96: How To Build An Uber Successful Brand on LinkedIn And Take It To The Bank, With Donna Serdula

Raj Girn: My guest today is Donna Serdula, the founder of Vision Board Media and the pioneer of the concept LinkedIn Profile Optimization, having also authored two editions of LinkedIn Profile Optimization for Dummies, no less. I can’t think of anyone more equipped to walk us through the behemoth that is LinkedIn and help us […]
Ep 95: How Men Can Ignite the Power of Women To Optimize Their Life, With Simon T. Bailey

Raj Girn: This week’s leadership and advocacy-themed episode is entitled How Men Can Ignite the Power of Women to Optimize Their Life. To help us break this down, please welcome to the show Simon T. Bailey coming at this from a male perspective. So stick around because you know that we’re going to have a […]
Ep 94: Building Self-confidence Through Holistic Practices That Fit Today’s Fast Paced World, With Alexandra Dotcheva

Raj Girn: My guest today is Alexandra Dotcheva, the author of ‘It Really Is Simple: A Holistic Approach to Self-confidence A Practical Guide.’ Alexandra struggled with debilitating levels of lack of confidence for over 20 years until she finally decided that she didn’t want to live as a victim of circumstance. So she took matters […]
Ep 93: How to Develop an Idea No One Believes In and Take It To Market to Win, With Kate Westad

Raj Girn: My guest today is Kate Westad the founder and inventor of a cool beauty product that’s getting lots of media love called Palette by Pak. The product has been featured in ‘Harper’s Bazaar,’ ‘Glamor,’ ‘L.A. Times,’ ‘E News’ and ‘Forbes,’ to name a few. Before we say hello to Kate, I want to […]
Ep 92: Cutting Edge Strategies on How To Live on Purpose Every Day and in Every Circumstance, With Amy Eliza Wong

Raj Girn: Hi everyone and welcome to another exciting edition of ‘The Transform Your Confidence Show.’ My guest for today is Amy Eliza Wong, and she is the founder of the aptly entitled brand Always on Purpose. Here’s a little bit about her before we say hello. As a certified executive leadership coach, author, speaker […]
Ep 91: How to Communicate to Create Meaningful Connections with People Who Don’t Know You, With Kass Thomas

Raj Girn: My guest today is communications and connection consultant and bestselling author of two books — one of them being ‘Seven Steps to Flawless Communication’ which I want to deep dive — Kass Thomas. Here is our conversation: Raj Girn: Thank you so much for enjoying the time with me because I know that […]