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Building YOU Is The First Part To Building Your Brand!

“We’re living in an era where online presence matters more than it has ever done before, because if you don’t tell people who you are, they will decide for themselves.” ~ Raj Girn, Confidence Coach, Consultant & Mentor | Founder, The Open Chest® Confidence Academy

Hi Friend,

Where do I even start?

Now that we’re in the middle of Q1 of 2023 (where has the time gone?), I cannot stress this enough – – – if you have ANY plans of investing in yourself or your brand this year, this is it! Book a FREE discovery call with me HERE. And let me tell you why . . .

As you’ve heard me say multiple times before (I’m going to repeat this again) – we’re living in an era where online presence matters more than it has ever done before, because if you don’t tell people who you are, they will decide for themselves, and we never want other people to define our narrative, do we?!

So, this brings me to the most vital step of all – Creating Your Brand Authority. This year, my big focus is to take what my clients have wanted time and time again, over the past two years, since I started The Open Chest Confidence Academy, and that is to provide them with a step-by-step process on how to authentically build and grow their personal brand’s authority (because they are too busy killing it in their career). This is why they hire me!

How do I get started you may ask? Well, what is the most essential step in creating your brand authority in today’s world? That’s right – it’s creating YOUR authority (you’ve heard me say this time and time again). For people to listen and invest in your brand/product/service, they need to first know who you are, so that they can trust what you offer.

This is where I can help, because with over 20+ years of working with some of the world’s most powerful brands, I can help you build your authority authentically, quickly, and with integrity.

One way is in how you show up on your social media pages. People see your profile, your posts, your comments, your followers engagement, and most importantly, THEY SEE YOU.

Which brings me to a point I raised earlier: for people to be able to invest in your brand/product/service, they first need to be able to trust who you are, and this is where my missive brings me to today.

Social Media Growth Is Essential To Building Your Brand, Which In Turn Will Build Your Influence. And Influence Will Change The Game In Your Business.

There are so many factors that need to be considered when prepping your social media for growth, engagement, and verification – and these change periodically.

Our process is very simple:

➡ A discovery call to talk about your current social media influence.

➡ Creating a step-by-step plan towards verification.

➡ A strategy call to present and talk about the plan.

➡ Execute on the plan.

➡ Project manage until your account has accomplished its goal(s) – growth, engagement and verification.

Since there is an investment of time and money that needs to be considered (which is contingent upon a number of factors) I encourage you to take the first step and contact us to find out if you qualify. Email us HERE, and let’s see how we can help you accomplish your goal(s) for 2023.

I’m also pleased to let everyone know that after months of work with my team last year, we have launched Phase 2 of The Open Chest® Confidence Academy, where we have opened up our bespoke suite of services to help you build your brand authority (define your subject-matter expertise, get you authority media, create content for your social media/podcast/courses, and so much more). This can all be accessed under the Brand Your Authorityà la carte service menu. I would love for you to check it all out HERE.

And if any of this is even remotely on your radar for 2023, I would love for you to book a free discovery call with me, and let’s see what strategy is going to help you accomplish your next big milestone!

And for those of you who aren’t ready yet, I know there’s a big mindset shift to be accomplished here, especially for those of us who are not trained to look at opportunities that reside outside of conventional wisdom. So my advice to you if that’s you, is to take a leap of faith and open your mind to look beyond your conditioning, and expand your horizons – my team and I can help you do that to meet you where you are and to assist in taking you to where you so desperately need to go!  

For those new to my world . . .

>>> We have worked with over 5,000 brands over a span of 20 years in the branding, communications, media, and marketing space, so you’re in great hands when you’re ready to leap forward with your professional and/or personal goals <<<

Oh, and don’t forget to scroll down to access our free podcast training at The Transform Your Confidence Show HERE.

I sincerely hope I bring some value into your world and if I do, show me some love by following me @RajGirn on my socials at LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Clubhouse, TikTok, and YouTube.

Until next time, take care of yourself and your loved ones!

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