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Media & Communications: Am I Living the Right Life?

“I’ve found that most people who are unhappy with their life tend to be so because they don’t take the time to evaluate their life at different points throughout their journey, so nothing ever changes.” ~ Raj Girn, Founder

Hi Friend,

This week I wanted to take some time to share a bit about the idea of expecting results without making a plan and executing the plan made.

Most of us (if we were to be truly honest with ourselves), live less than perfect lives, because we don’t carve out purpose driven time to attend to our true desires.

People who have the perfect life, live their plan, because “perfection” is a relative term and different for all of us. What I’ve learned through my own experiences, the experiences of people around me, and what clients share with me, is that there is one common denominator that screams out louder than all the others and it is a lack of constant evaluation of their life. Without that, you cannot know if what you’re doing is actually what you want to be doing, and if you’re happy doing it.

Most people don’t take their happiness seriously (read this again), which is why they don’t hold space throughout different junctures in their lives, to ask the fundamental questions that will give them the answers they are (not) seeking. 

Questions like: “Am I aligned to my core value system?” Perhaps (like me in my formative years), you may not know what your core value system even is on a conscious level (although we all do know what it is on a subconscious level), so holding space for self is even more important if this is you.  

Remembering being that person, I remember that it wasn’t pretty (I shudder at the memories of feeling utterly lost and swollen with paralysis). I found that it was much more difficult living that life than working intentionally to live my personal brand of perfection. Getting started is always the hardest part and as such, is also one of the biggest deterrents, so let me get you started right here, right now, with some fundamental questions I ask myself periodically to make sure that I’m living my happiness:

⮕ What makes you happy?

⮕ What makes you sad?

⮕ If you could change your life, how would you change it, why, and what will the change bring you?

⮕ What would you not want to change, why, and what will not changing it bring you?

⮕ Do you know what self-care is, its benefits, and are you prioritizing it?

⮕ Do you have a plan for the perfect life, are you actioning it, and how has your life changed?

⮕ If you don’t have a plan because you don’t know how to cultivate one that’s made for you, have you sought out a mentor to help you, help you?

The quickest way to get unstuck from living the wrong life, is by soliciting the assistance of a mentor to help you ask the right questions, answer them honestly, create a plan, and hold you accountable to it. If this speaks to you, then we should talk. I’d love to invite you to book a 30-minute complimentary call with me directly, where we can talk a bit about your journey that has been and your journey that you’re aspiring to get to, to see where I might be able to suggest how you can accomplish that in a few easy steps, that me and my team would heavy lift for you, so that you can carry on doing what you’re great at doing. And together, we can achieve results that make sense to you. 

And for those of you who aren’t ready yet, I know there’s a big mindset shift to be accomplished here, especially for those of us who are not trained to look at opportunities that reside outside of conventional wisdom. So my advice to you if that’s you, is to take a leap of faith and open your mind to look beyond your conditioning, and expand your horizons – my team and I can help you do that to meet you where you are and to assist in taking you to where you so desperately need to go!  

For those new to my world . . .

>>> We have worked with over 5,000 brands over a span of 20 years in the branding, communications, media, and marketing space, so you’re in great hands when you’re ready to leap forward with your professional and/or personal goals <<<

Oh, and don’t forget to scroll down to access our free podcast training at The Transform Your Confidence Show HERE.

I sincerely hope that my insights in this newsletter brings some value into your world and if it does, show me some love by following me @RajGirn on my socials at LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Clubhouse, TikTok, and YouTube.

Until next time, take care of yourself and your loved ones!

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