Ep 60: How Do You Market Your Brand In Today’s Information Overload Culture, With Shama Hyder

Raj Girn: My guest is the fabulous Shama Hyder, who is the visionary strategist for the digital age, a web and TV personality, a two-time best selling author, and the award-winning CEO of Zen Media, a global marketing and digital PR firm that helps B2B and B2C brands make meaningful connections with the modern-day customer […]
Ep 59: How Do You Market Your Brand In Today’s Information Overload Culture, With Shama Hyder

Raj Girn: This week’s theme is Branding and Marketing, where I deep dive into a subject matter that I’m absolutely passionate about. This week we are going to be tackling how do you market your brand in today’s information overload culture. To help me do this my guest is the fabulous Shama Hyder, who is […]
What do Nike, Hermes, and Estee Lauder have in common? They all hired Swan Sit to get more customer loyalty . . .

“Consumer lifestyle is the key to opening the door to understanding the motivating factors that encourage their decisions to purchase.” ~Raj Girn, Founder, The Open Chest® Confidence Academy Hi Friend, I’ve written about marketing on a number of occasions over these past few months here, as well as for Entrepreneur.com as a subject matter expert, and what I find […]
Are you in control of all aspects of your life, but like me, there’s one thing you cannot seem to get right?

Hi Friends, Now that we are getting ready to head into the summer months, I don’t know about you, but I get more conscious about what I look like, because I want to be able to feel confident in my physical body, so that I can take full advantage of beaching, sunning, and outdoor activities. The only thing […]
Ep 36: How To Build A Leadership Mindset That Factors In The Science & Creativity Of Whole Brain Activation, With Dr. Reef Karim

Raj Girn: Folks, thanks for tuning in to another great two-part series of the ‘Transform Your Confidence Show.’ I’m your host, as usual, Raj Girn, the founder of TheOpenChestConfidenceAcademy.com. In this week’s theme, Leadership and Advocacy, I’ll be discussing how to build a leadership mindset that factors in the science and creativity of whole brain activation. My […]
Ep 35: How To Build A Leadership Mindset That Factors In The Science & Creativity Of Whole Brain Activation, With Dr. Reef Karim

Raj Girn: Folks, thanks for tuning in to another great two-part series of the ‘Transform Your Confidence Show.’ I’m your host, as usual, Raj Girn, the founder of TheOpenChestConfidenceAcademy.com. In this week’s theme, Leadership and Advocacy, I’ll be discussing how to build a leadership mindset that factors in the science and creativity of whole-brain activation. […]