Ep 11: How To Use Leadership & Advocacy To Build A Multimillion-Dollar Company, With Shalini Vadhera

Raj Girn: Hey, guys, thanks for tuning into another exciting episode of the `Transform Your Confidence Show.` You guys know that I love hanging out with you each and every week. And as always, I encourage you to share, comment, and post these episodes if they resonate with you so that others in your network […]
Ep 10: Marketing Methods That Work In Today’s Overload Culture With Rohit Bhargava

Raj Girn: For anyone that’s just tuning in. We are talking to Rohit Bhargava. He is a multiple best-selling author. His wheelhouse is around marketing, branding and many, many other things. He also has this incredible company, the Non-Obvious Company, which I would love you to also tap in a little bit about that. But […]
Ep 9: Marketing Methods That Work In Today’s Overload Culture With Rohit Bhargava

Raj Girn: Let’s go. Hi, everyone, thanks for tuning in to another exciting episode of ‘The Transform Your Confidence Show.’ I’m so happy to see you tune in each week. And I really love that you guys are subscribing and you are coming back to me and you’re giving me your thoughts and your valuable […]
Ep 8: What You Need To Know When Hiring A Publicist With Randy Phipps

Raj Girn: The great thing that I know about your business, Randy, and I also know about people who are in the service industry, is that everything is about the referrals and the relationships that you have with your existing clients, right? Randy Phipps: Yes, 100 per cent. They’re like a walking billboard for you. […]
Ep 7: What You Need To Know When Hiring A Publicist With Randy Phipps

Raj Girn: Here’s a bit about Randy before I bring him on. He is a public relations professional and the founder of RP Communications in Toronto. He has an exceptional eye for detail and a constant finger on the pulse of what matters. Randy has a natural talent for storytelling, generating buzz and guiding clients […]
Ep 2: Leadership Communication Is All In The Mind With Tamanna Roashan

Raj Girn: Meet Tamanna Roashan, the globally renowned beauty educator and founder of the Dress Your Face Empire. She is the single most sought-after international beauty educator in the world, as the founder of the world’s first and the number one most subscribed to live online makeup and hair school dressyourfacelive.com. Here, she has changed […]