Want to know what publicists are doing today to get experts and businesses seen, heard, and valued?
“One advantage of public relations – it’s cheaper than paid marketing to get you in front of new audiences to establish authority and consumer interest for your brand.” ~Raj Girn, Founder, The Open Chest® Confidence Academy Hi Friend, Although many business owners and executives recognize the importance of incorporating a marketing plan to grow, many don’t understand why and how […]
Want to grow your business exponentially? Then the CEO must be the most creative person on your team and here’s why . . .
“Today’s CEOs need to lean into holistic leadership that guides, provides for, and empowers their workforce, because today’s multi-generational workforce demands to be seen, heard, and valued. So if you’re a top down CEO (instead of a bottom up one), you’re limiting your company’s ability to reach its full potential.” ~ Raj Girn, Founder The […]
Are you building a business out of a passion project and want to know how to scale it?
“Passion projects are great to support mindset to incentivize the grind, but without automated systems and repeatable, predictable methodology, scaling a business is not possible in today’s world. The perfect storm is when both collide in perfect harmony towards the same end.”~ Raj Girn, Founder The Open Chest® Confidence Academy Hi Friends, Are you a passion […]
Are you in control of all aspects of your life, but like me, there’s one thing you cannot seem to get right?
Hi Friends, Now that we are getting ready to head into the summer months, I don’t know about you, but I get more conscious about what I look like, because I want to be able to feel confident in my physical body, so that I can take full advantage of beaching, sunning, and outdoor activities. The only thing […]
How more happy would you be if you were able to harness more of your brain’s capacity to accomplish tasks in less time?
“Traditional academia does not factor in whole brain development when creating its curriculum. It focusses on activating those parts that are specific to preparing a person for one skill set, which quickly becomes outdated in the ever changing work landscape, where people are then forced to be on a continual quest to up level their […]
6 steps that can show you how to optimize your brand to stand out in an overcrowded marketplace . . .
“If you don’t have an intentional brand strategy for your personal, corporate, product or service brand, then you have one that’s unintentional, which will set you up to fail in the long run.” ~ Raj Girn, Founder, The Open Chest® Confidence Academy Hi Friends, We all know that there’s a lot of noise and clutter online as everyone scrambles […]