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How To Build A Leadership Mindset That Factors In The Science & Creativity Of Whole Brain Activation, With Dr. Reef Karim: Part 2

Raj Girn: Folks, thanks for tuning in to another great two-part series of the ‘Transform Your Confidence Show.’ I’m your host, as usual, Raj Girn, the founder of In this week’s theme, Leadership and Advocacy, I’ll be discussing how to build a leadership mindset that factors in the science and creativity of whole brain activation. My […]

How To Build A Leadership Mindset That Factors In The Science & Creativity Of Whole Brain Activation, With Dr. Reef Karim : Part 1

Raj Girn: Folks, thanks for tuning in to another great two-part series of the ‘Transform Your Confidence Show.’ I’m your host, as usual, Raj Girn, the founder of In this week’s theme, Leadership and Advocacy, I’ll be discussing how to build a leadership mindset that factors in the science and creativity of whole-brain activation. […]

How To Create A Compelling Story To Engage The Right Audience! With Farah Nasser: Part 2

Raj Girn: Hey, guys, thanks for tuning in to another exciting episode of The Transform Your Confidence Show. Effective communication is wholly dependent on cultivating a mutually reciprocal relationship between the speaker and the listener. The learning is in the exchange that transpires during this discourse, and part 2 of this week’s ‘The Transform Your […]

How communicating effectively guarantees that everyone gets what they want every time . . .

“No matter what job you have in life, your success will be determined 5% by your academic credentials, 15% by your professional experiences, and 80% by your communication skills.”~ Stephen Wang, online entrepreneur Hi Friends, I talk about communicating effectively quite often, because time and time again, I see it being a reoccurring challenge for my clients – in fact, it’s the number one reason I’ve […]

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