Ep 11: How To Use Leadership & Advocacy To Build A Multimillion-Dollar Company, With Shalini Vadhera
Raj Girn: Hey, guys, thanks for tuning into another exciting episode of the `Transform Your Confidence Show.` You guys know that I love hanging out with you each and every week. And as always, I encourage you to share, comment, and post these episodes if they resonate with you so that others in your network […]
Ep 10: Marketing Methods That Work In Today’s Overload Culture With Rohit Bhargava
Raj Girn: For anyone that’s just tuning in. We are talking to Rohit Bhargava. He is a multiple best-selling author. His wheelhouse is around marketing, branding and many, many other things. He also has this incredible company, the Non-Obvious Company, which I would love you to also tap in a little bit about that. But […]
Ep 9: Marketing Methods That Work In Today’s Overload Culture With Rohit Bhargava
Raj Girn: Let’s go. Hi, everyone, thanks for tuning in to another exciting episode of ‘The Transform Your Confidence Show.’ I’m so happy to see you tune in each week. And I really love that you guys are subscribing and you are coming back to me and you’re giving me your thoughts and your valuable […]
Ep 8: What You Need To Know When Hiring A Publicist With Randy Phipps
Raj Girn: The great thing that I know about your business, Randy, and I also know about people who are in the service industry, is that everything is about the referrals and the relationships that you have with your existing clients, right? Randy Phipps: Yes, 100 per cent. They’re like a walking billboard for you. […]
Ep 6: How Mindset Creates World-Class Leaders With Belinda Ginter
Raj Girn: Over the past two decades that I’ve been in the entrepreneurial space in C-suite as a founder, those last 20 years have seen so much change because of technology and the communications. It’s changed drastically, and more so now. It’s just consistently changing. And I have to say that the one thing that […]