Ep 32: How To Create A Compelling Story To Engage The Right Audience! With Farah Nasser

Raj Girn: Hey, guys, thanks for tuning in to another exciting episode of The Transform Your Confidence Show. Effective communication is wholly dependent on cultivating a mutually reciprocal relationship between the speaker and the listener. The learning is in the exchange that transpires during this discourse, and part 2 of this week’s ‘The Transform Your […]
Ep 31: How To Create A Compelling Story To Engage The Right Audience! With Farah Nasser

Raj Girn: Hey, guys, thanks for tuning in to another exciting episode of the ‘Transform Your Confidence Show.’ How effectively we communicate with others determines how respected we are in the professional arena. Time and time again my clients come to me with wanting solutions on how to do this better, so my goal in […]