Ep 52: How To Navigate The World Of Digital Marketing To Win, With Swan Sit

Raj Girn: This week’s theme is branding and marketing, and I’ll be tackling the world of digital marketing today for all of you who have been reaching out to me to help you navigate this behemoth. My guest today is Swan Sit and she is one of Brand Innovators’ 40 under 40 and marketing women […]

Ep 51: How To Navigate The World Of Digital Marketing To Win, With Swan Sit

Raj Girn: This week’s theme is branding and marketing, and I’ll be tackling the world of digital marketing today for all of you who have been reaching out to me to help you navigate this behemoth. My guest today is a woman I truly respect and admire for her work in the digital marketing space. […]

Ep 50: Today’s Best PR Strategies To Create Business Growth Online, With Jay Feldman

Raj Girn: This week’s 2-part series themed around Media & Communications is called: “Today’s Best Public Relations Strategies To Create Business Growth Online.” My guest this week is Dr. Jay Feldman, who is a serial entrepreneur and co-founder of OtterPR. Here is Part Two of our conversation: Raj Girn: To someone that has just been in this […]