A sneak peek into how I’ve been able to take my clients from unknown to celebrity status . . .

“Don’t make the mistake of going to market without a brand strategy in place first, especially online, because I can guarantee you that you will fail at the long game. Going viral is not a marketing strategy, because it creates temporary consumers, not loyal clients.” ~ Raj Girn, Founder, The Open Chest® Confidence Academy Hi Friend, […]
Ep 62: How To Build A Celebrity Brand, With Mia Martina

Raj Girn: This week’s theme is Leadership and Advocacy, where I’m going to be pulling back the curtain on how to build a celebrity brand. To help me break this down so that you can garner these insights to incorporate into your own brand whatever stage it may be that you’re at on, whatever it […]
Ep 61: How To Build A Celebrity Brand, With Mia Martina

Raj Girn: This week’s theme is Leadership and Advocacy, where I’m going to be pulling back the curtain on how to build a celebrity brand. To help me break this down so that you can garner these insights to incorporate into your own brand whatever stage it may be that you’re at, whatever it is […]
Do you know what the 4 types of marketing strategies are that you need to dial in to make your brand uber successful today?

“All brands irrespective of size need to establish a go-to-market strategy today, that includes owned, earned, shared, and paid marketing. Whether the purpose is to attract a consumer, client, investor, or build advocacy (or all of the above), weaving this tapestry the right way is the only way to ensure that the right people engage […]
Ep 60: How Do You Market Your Brand In Today’s Information Overload Culture, With Shama Hyder

Raj Girn: My guest is the fabulous Shama Hyder, who is the visionary strategist for the digital age, a web and TV personality, a two-time best selling author, and the award-winning CEO of Zen Media, a global marketing and digital PR firm that helps B2B and B2C brands make meaningful connections with the modern-day customer […]
Ep 59: How Do You Market Your Brand In Today’s Information Overload Culture, With Shama Hyder

Raj Girn: This week’s theme is Branding and Marketing, where I deep dive into a subject matter that I’m absolutely passionate about. This week we are going to be tackling how do you market your brand in today’s information overload culture. To help me do this my guest is the fabulous Shama Hyder, who is […]