Ep 41: Tips On Marketing To Scale Your Business The Right Way, With Sathish Bala

Raj Girn: OK. Folks, thanks for tuning in to another great two-part series of `The Transform Your Confidence Show`. I’m your host and the founder of TheOpenChestConfidenceAcademy.com. This week’s theme is Branding and Marketing. And I’ll be focusing more on the marketing over the next couple of months because I’ve done a whole lot of […]
Ep 40: How To Stand Out When Telling Your Story Online, With Veronica Chail-Gupta

Raj Girn: Are you struggling with being able to communicate your story effectively to attract new customers, because you’re not able to figure out what platforms to use and why? Then this episode is for you! With this week’s theme of Media and Communications, the goal is to dissect the art and craft of good […]
Ep 39: How To Stand Out When Telling Your Story Online, With Veronica Chail-Gupta

Raj Girn: With this week’s theme of Media and Communications, the goal is to dissect the art and craft of good storytelling. My guest is award-winning journalist, former university professor, and the founder of VC Strategies, Veronica Chail-Gupta. As a leading expert in organizational storytelling, strategic communications and media coaching, Veronica has more than 15 […]
Are you in control of all aspects of your life, but like me, there’s one thing you cannot seem to get right?

Hi Friends, Now that we are getting ready to head into the summer months, I don’t know about you, but I get more conscious about what I look like, because I want to be able to feel confident in my physical body, so that I can take full advantage of beaching, sunning, and outdoor activities. The only thing […]
Ep 38: Proven Mindset Shifts That Help Professionals Build & Sustain Wellness In Their Busy Lives, With Sonia Jhas

With this week’s theme of Mindset and Clarity, the goal is to unpack why some high-performing professionals are able to handle so much and stay on top of things, but cannot seem to get a handle on their wellness journey, especially their diet. My guest is Sonia Jhas, a well-known TV personality and mindset and […]
Ep 37: Proven Mindset Shifts That Help Professionals Build & Sustain Wellness In Their Busy Lives, With Sonia Jhas

Raj Girn: With this week’s theme of Mindset and Clarity, the goal is to unpack why some high-performing professionals are able to handle so much and stay on top of things, but cannot seem to get a handle on their wellness journey, especially their diet. My guest is Sonia Jhas, a well-known TV personality and […]