Ep 92: Cutting Edge Strategies on How To Live on Purpose Every Day and in Every Circumstance, With Amy Eliza Wong

Raj Girn: Hi everyone and welcome to another exciting edition of ‘The Transform Your Confidence Show.’ My guest for today is Amy Eliza Wong, and she is the founder of the aptly entitled brand Always on Purpose. Here’s a little bit about her before we say hello. As a certified executive leadership coach, author, speaker […]
If you don’t control the narrative of your story, someone else will.

“You’re never going to kill storytelling, because it’s built in the human plan.” ~ Margaret Atwood, Author of The Handmaid’s Tale (and many others) Hi Friends, I want to address a rather large elephant in the room that many executives and entrepreneurs stumble over, and that’s telling their story to authenticate their credibility. When I started in the media […]
Ep 34: How To Incorporate Effective Brand Strategy To Build A Successful Ecommerce Business! With Neil Verma

Raj Girn: Hey, guys, thanks for tuning in to another exciting episode of The Transform Your Confidence Show. This week we talk about how to build a successful eCommerce business from start-up to exit. The theme in this week’s The Transform Your Confidence Show, is Branding & Marketing and the series is entitled: “How To […]
Ep 33: How To Incorporate Effective Brand Strategy To Build A Successful Ecommerce Business! With Neil Verma

Raj Girn: The theme in this week’s The Transform Your Confidence Show, is Branding and Marketing and the series is entitled: “How To Incorporate Effective Brand Strategy In Building A Successful Ecommerce Business!” My guest is branding and ecommerce expert and the founder of eBrandBuilders, Neil Verma. Here is Part One of our conversation: Raj […]
Why no business can be successful without a holistic communications strategy . . .

This Could Change Your Life . . . “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” ~ George Bernard Shaw Hi Friends, We’ve all stumbled across this quote by the famous playwright Shaw at some point in time, but have we ever stopped to think about how powerful its message is in […]