Ep 26: The Power Of Content Strategy To Brand & Market Your Business For Success, With Mohit Rajhans

Raj Girn: Hi, guys, thanks for tuning into another great episode of the `Transform Your Confidence Show.` Are you wary about the hypersensitive social culture that we live in today where any type of political incorrectness can have grave effects on your brand? Then you know that one of the most important parts of what […]
Ep 25: The Power Of Content Strategy To Brand & Market Your Business For Success, With Mohit Rajhans

Raj Girn: Hi, guys, thanks for tuning in to another exciting episode of the `Transform Your Confidence Show.` I’m a firm believer that content is still king because its ability to create powerful connections is key to always being relevant as a brand. However we connect and what tools we use is what determines the […]
Ep 16: Today’s Most Effective Social Media Strategies That Work For Businesses! With Cher Jones

Raj Girn: We continue this week with Media and Communications as the theme and our Part 2 of a 2-part series called “Today’s Most Effective Social Media Strategies that Work for Businesses”. My guess is Corporate Social Media Trainer and Online Personal Brand Strategist Cher Jones, who is the founder of Socially Active Training, where […]
EP 15: Today’s Most Effective Social Media Strategies That Work For Businesses! With Cher Jones

Raj Girn: In the second week of March, where our theme is Media and Communications, this week’s 2-part series is entitled “Today’s Most Effective Social Media Strategies That Work for Businesses”. My guest is Corporate Social Media Trainer & Online Personal Brand Strategist, Cher Jones. Here’s a bit about her. As the founder of Socially […]
How To Use Mindset & Collaboration To Boss Up Your Life! Part 2

Raj Girn: We continue our week theme of mindset and clarity and mark International Women’s Day week. The day itself, as you guys know, passed on Monday. But something as important as celebrating the journey to empowerment by women, in my opinion at least, requires a week-long celebration. Am I right, guys? You know it. […]
How To Use Mindset & Collaboration To Boss Up Your Life! Part 1

Raj Girn: So on with the show in this first week of March, where our theme is mindset and clarity. I want to share that today’s episode is a little more special than usual because it’s in honor of us being in the week that celebrates International Women’s Day. The day itself is tomorrow, but […]