Ep 25: The Power Of Content Strategy To Brand & Market Your Business For Success, With Mohit Rajhans

Raj Girn: Hi, guys, thanks for tuning in to another exciting episode of the `Transform Your Confidence Show.` I’m a firm believer that content is still king because its ability to create powerful connections is key to always being relevant as a brand. However we connect and what tools we use is what determines the […]
Ep 23: Tips From A Celebrity Host On How To Connect Authentically With Virtual Audiences, With Sangita Patel

Raj Girn: Hey, guys, thanks for tuning in to another exciting episode of the ‘Transform Your Confidence Show.’ Do you struggle with being able to tell people your story with ease and confidence? Perhaps you freeze up in crowds or on stage. Or maybe you’re inherently a very shy person who is now in a […]
Ep 22: How To Flex Your Money Mindset To Be Wealthy Now, With Melissa Leong

Raj Girn: Hey, guys, thanks for tuning in to another exciting episode of the `Transform Your Confidence Show.` Are you a woman who is challenged by your relationship with money due to generational conditioning where the breadwinner role has always been male-dominated? If so, then this episode is for you. We continue this week’s theme […]
Ep 21: How To Flex Your Money Mindset To Be Wealthy Now, With Melissa Leong

Raj Girn: In this first week of April, where our theme is Mindset and Clarity, this two-part series is entitled `How to Flex Your Money Mindset to Be Wealthy Now.’ My guest is one of Canada’s best-loved authorities on personal finance, Melissa Leone. Here’s a bit about Melissa before I bring her on. She’s a […]
Ep 19: Why Conscious Economics Is The Leadership Style Of The Future, With Rhiannon Rosalind

Raj Girn: Hey, guys, thanks for tuning in to another exciting episode of the `Transform Your Confidence Show.` In this last week of March, where our theme is Leadership & Advocacy, this week’s two-part series is entitled `Why Conscious Economics Is the Leadership Style of the Future.` Here’s a bit about Rhiannon before I bring […]
Ep 18: Why Everyone Needs To Marry Their Mission With Their Brand Identity, With Kait LeDonne

Raj Girn: We continue this week’s theme of Branding and Marketing with this part 2 of a two-part series entitled ‘Why Everyone Needs To Marry Their Mission With Their Brand Identity.’ My guest is the founder of Brandwise Media and personal branding expert Kait LeDonne. Here is Part Two of our conversation: Raj Girn: Please welcome […]