Ep 102: How to Unlock Your Wealth Roadmap by Using the Quantum Enlightenment System, With Ellyn Katherine Shamalov

Raj Girn: Hi everyone. This week’s theme is Mindset and Clarity and is entitled How to Unlock Your Wealth Roadmap by Using the Quantum Enlightenment System. My guest today is the founder of this system, Ellyn Katherine Shamalov. Here is our conversation: Raj Girn: Welcome, fabulous lady. I cannot wait to have this conversation with […]
Ep 100: For Most of My Life, I Have Had No Idea How To Be a Woman, With Dr. Rima Bonario

Raj Girn: This week I bring you a mindset and clarity themed episode entitled “For most of my life, I have had no idea how to be a woman.” A provocative title, I know, and one that my guest, Dr. Rima Bonario, confesses to as the very first statements she makes in her one sheet […]
How To Use Mindset & Collaboration To Boss Up Your Life! Part 2

Raj Girn: We continue our week theme of mindset and clarity and mark International Women’s Day week. The day itself, as you guys know, passed on Monday. But something as important as celebrating the journey to empowerment by women, in my opinion at least, requires a week-long celebration. Am I right, guys? You know it. […]
How To Use Mindset & Collaboration To Boss Up Your Life! Part 1

Raj Girn: So on with the show in this first week of March, where our theme is mindset and clarity. I want to share that today’s episode is a little more special than usual because it’s in honor of us being in the week that celebrates International Women’s Day. The day itself is tomorrow, but […]
Ep 12: How To Use Leadership And Advocacy To Build A Multimillion-Dollar Company, With Shalini Vadhera

Raj Girn: Guys, if you’re just joining us, I’m speaking to the fabulous Shalini Vadhera. She is a serial beauty entrepreneur. She is a female empowerment advocate, and she’s also an award-winning entrepreneur and best-selling author. We are talking about how to use leadership and advocacy culture to build a multimillion-dollar enterprise. Now, this can […]
Ep 11: How To Use Leadership & Advocacy To Build A Multimillion-Dollar Company, With Shalini Vadhera

Raj Girn: Hey, guys, thanks for tuning into another exciting episode of the `Transform Your Confidence Show.` You guys know that I love hanging out with you each and every week. And as always, I encourage you to share, comment, and post these episodes if they resonate with you so that others in your network […]