“If you don’t have an intentional brand strategy for your personal, corporate, product or service brand, then you have one that’s unintentional, which will set you up to fail in the long run.” ~ Raj Girn, Founder, The Open Chest® Confidence Academy

Hi Friends,
We all know that there’s a lot of noise and clutter online as everyone scrambles to be seen, heard, and communicated with right? It seems like it’s all that anyone talks about today, so for those of you who feel lost in the mix or want to do a health check on your go-to market strategy, keep reading, because this week’s missive is for you!
Some facts:
➡ 93% of people say the first purchase usually decides if they will continue their relationship with a brand. ➡ 77% of B2B marketers say building a strong brand is key to their company's growth. ➡ 82% of investors want the companies they invest in to have a strong brand.
The challenge of branding is in the top 3 of all of my consultative sessions with clients, because somewhere in their business, an aspect of this strategy isn’t dialed in. The first thing I say to them, is that standing out online requires methodology that has to be strategically implemented with an intended goal that can be measured. This is where branding plays the most important role of all, where I always recommend to my clients, that you should NOT be going to market until you have a brand strategy in place, because gone are the days where building “it” for them to find you or just showing up was enough. If you’re not being on purpose, you will not be able to compete. That goes 10-fold for those of you in a crowded niche.
So, if you’re facing a similar challenge, whether you’re a newbie looking to make your mark, an influencer looking to stand out, a company that’s needing to pivot from brick and mortar to online, or an established company/business looking to reimagine your branding to align with an expanded focus, here are the 6 steps that I walk my clients through, that have proven to move the dial and fast track their growth in visibility, authority, and community building, all of which are mandatory to create client/audience loyalty and retention:
- Brand Vision: What you do and why you do it.
- Brand Mission: How you do it and who you serve.
- Brand Values: What you stand for and why.
- Brand Story: Who you are and how this connects to your product/service and ideal client/audience.
- Brand Identity: Your style guide, voice, and sensory footprint.
- Brand Equity: The measurement of the value of your brand with your clients/audience.
Now let me ask you: How effective is your brand strategy (if you even have one)?
If you’re in need of direction on how to work step-by-step through the above 6 steps, send me an email to set up a free, no obligation call and let’s explore how I can guide you through my one-on-one coaching service (Consult With Raj Girn), to move the dial towards your intended direction. Contact me here: [email protected].
Words to ponder . . .
“Branding is about telling and showing people what they need to know about what’s in it for them. You cannot grow your business without this.” ~ Raj Girn
Until next time.