Hi Friends,

Now that we are getting ready to head into the summer months, I don’t know about you, but I get more conscious about what I look like, because I want to be able to feel confident in my physical body, so that I can take full advantage of beaching, sunning, and outdoor activities. The only thing holding me back is that I am constantly on the hamster wheel of yo-yo dieting, where each time I get on the wagon, I fall off at some point along the journey, be it before I reach my goal weight or sometime after. If this is familiar to you, then read on (and if it isn’t, but you know someone who would need to read this, keep going) . . .
As a self-professed A-type personality, who more often than not, has my various ducks in a row, I’m wired to solution every challenge that I face, so it stands to reason that I would succeed in overcoming (most) of them right? Right on the ‘most of them’ part, except for my relationship with food. Let me explain . . .
In my formative years, I was a chubby kid. This set me up on a path that I continue to struggle with even today, called yo-yo dieting. I’ve spent copious hours trying to figure out how to stop getting on and off the wagon, but have never been able to ingest it (no pun intended), into my otherwise very disciplined lifestyle. As a child, I tried time and time again, but the limiting beliefs would always creep in and lead to the self-sabotaging actions that would have me fall off the wagon each time I climbed on.
As an adult, I have looked into whether this was related to my emotions (as is commonly believed to be the case), by documenting it over time, I realized that there were no emotional triggers that pushed me off the wagon, but rather, I was voluntarily and knowingly sliding off to eat that extra slice of cake or bag of chips, simply because they fed my pleasure principle, which fruit and vegetables never did and still don’t.
This pattern has followed me throughout my adult life, where I sometimes go months between failure and sometimes, I’m able to go years without faltering. At one time, I even went a whole decade without falling off the wagon. When I look back, I remember feeling like I always looked sensational, but I also remember that I was constantly starving and the trade-off was never enough to change the cycle.
“We are trying to break the pattern of running towards a body we love but a life we hate.”
Something to sit with right?
If you’re looking to up level your branding, media, communications, and presentation skills, send me an email to set up a free, no obligation call and let’s explore how I can guide you through my one-on-one coaching service (Consult With Raj Girn), to move the dial towards your intended direction (and if I cannot help you, I’ll do everything in my power to find someone who can).
Contact me here: [email protected].
Words to ponder . . .
“It’s not only in the mind. It’s in the body, heart, soul, and energy of your being, so if you want to succeed in life, tackle it holistically and not in linear fashion, because you deserve it all, and not just one piece of it.” ~ Raj Girn
See you next week!
Something to sit with right?