“Many people fail at upping their game in life, because they are constantly in a tug of war between the scarcity mindset of where they currently are and the growth mindset of where they want to be.”
~ Raj Girn, Founder, The Open Chest® Confidence Academy

Hi Friend,
“How healthy is your money mindset?”
When I ask my clients this question, they usually respond by asking: “compared to what?”
Many people fail at upping their game in life, because they are constantly in a tug of war between the scarcity mindset of where they currently are and the growth mindset of where they want to be.
This intersection is super busy in many people’s lives, because like most things, our relationship with money is largely shaped by our parents narrative around it. I know that mine was.
I found myself constantly at that same roundabout that I left my parents at, not realizing that their Mount Everest was my ground zero. That my starting point, was where they left off. Once I figured this out, the opportunity for growth began to seed a trajectory, that I’ve never moved away from.
The lesson?
That abundance is so much more than a mindset.
It’s the action that creates success. So stop with the mind fucking and just get it done!
It took me 4 decades to learn this, which, if you’re really honest about yourself, you know that you also get caught up in this on some level. And it doesn’t help that pop culture has us believing that the mindset game is the key, which it is, but it’s the insertion of it into the lock, the turning action, and the pushing of the door, that actually opens it.
Mindset is an incomplete action.
It’s the horse to the water analogy.
If you’re curious to find out how to navigate the relationship between mindset and activation, book a free, no-obligation discovery call with me.
Action guys – it’s all in the action!
Last week, I talked about the 4 phases that I have distilled down from my 20 years of working with legacy and celebrity brands, where I have garnered intimate knowledge and experience on how they build, sustain, and grow their brands to last. These 4 phases are centred around: Mindset, Branding, Authority, and Leadership.
Last week, I tackled branding, so this week, to stay on theme for week one of the month, I’m going to share a bit about the “Master Your Mindset” course, which is a 4 week interactive, immersive experience, that is administered through a series of one-on-one sessions with me. High level, it comprises of 4 steps that we work on together, through my proprietary coaching, consulting, and mentoring methodology, where I incorporate an holistic approach that includes introspective work, downloading exercises, guided meditation, and reiki healing to achieve the following:
Week 1: Clearing blocks & finding resolution by making peace with your past;
Week 2: Mindset & clarity, where we pay homage to the present state that you’re in;
Week 3: ‘True North’ identity activation to determine who you aspire to be in the future;
Week 4: Setting goals, milestones, and tasks to ground your aspirations to activate your identity so that you can reach your future self avatar.
This phase is usually the first phase that I broach with my clients, because I’m a firm believer in creating intentional systems that build upon each other. And I don’t implement anything that I haven’t thoroughly tested to ensure that it works towards the intended outcome, so rest assured that there is method in my madness!
If you feel called to work with me to “Master Your Mindset”, email for more details on how I administer the course and for pricing HERE
You can also book a free discovery call with me HERE, where I can help you determine if this course is right for you at this time (because let’s not waste time and money on something you’re not yet ready for or that you’ve already done on some level).
Until next week, take care of yourself and your loved ones!