“My 2021 Takeaway: I learned that what’s scarier than trusting the disruptive thinkers that expand your limits, is not trusting your decision that you should.” ~Raj Girn, Founder, The Open Chest® Confidence Academy

Hi Friend,
Sit back . . . this is gonna be a loooong one . . .
I’m back after a 2-month hiatus from podcasting and blogging (which is why we haven’t been sending out weekly newsletters), where in December I took the time (outside of serving my clients) to reflect on the year that was (year one of the Academy being our foundational year) and to meditate on the year that was yet to be (year two is our growth & expansion year). My goal was to identify what worked, what didn’t, and what the possibilities could look like for us (that’s you and us) in 2022!
After figuring this out, January opened in strategy mode with my team, where we mapped out our road to providing our consumers and clients with deeper value, greater resources and state-of-the-art services, to take their respective brands to that next crucial stage of elevation (whatever that may mean for each of them).
My team and I have sooo much to share with you, as we get ready to launch a slew of exciting new products and services to meet the needs of our growing client base and the ever-changing demands of the business world. So look out for announcements over the next few months and the opportunity to tap into the opportunities first – as our newsletter community – before we put things out publicly for everyone to take advantage of.
And if you know of anyone you feel should have this priority access as a newsletter subscriber, please feel free to send them this LINK to subscribe to this newsletter for free, so they also don’t miss out on any of our ‘exclusive to our newsletter community’s “first dibs” on everything that we roll out’ promise! That includes value that is greater than anywhere else that we will be promoting the assets, be it ‘%’ or ‘$’ off campaigns or value add ons.
For those of you who have been here since the beginning, “thank you for your continued support and belief in what we do here at the Academy!” For those of you who are here for the first time, “thank you for subscribing to our free, weekly newsletter and welcome to our private community here”, where I share my thoughts, perspectives, and two decades long experience on building brand authority for the long haul.
Each newsletter, in addition to my ‘CEO Bites’ missives (which you can also read the entire archive of HERE), we feature each week’s episode of the podcast, ‘The Transform Your Confidence Show,’ where I bring in industry experts to discuss important insights, strategies, and resources, that target executives and entrepreneurs who are looking to level up their mindset, branding, media, marketing, and leadership game. For those of you who want to catch the episode as it drops, I encourage you to subscribe to it on podcast platforms for the audio version, and on our YouTube channel at ‘The Open Chest Confidence Academy,’ for the video version.
Season 2 just launched this week, so scroll down to watch, listen, or read my first episode entitled: “Money Mindset For The Win In 2022!” featuring the founder of ‘What The Financial’, Pam Malhotra.
On the show, I focus specifically on the 5 areas I mentioned earlier, because they’ve been my wheelhouse of experience over the past 20 years, where I’ve worked with Fortune 500 brands, entrepreneurs, celebrities, and thought leaders, through 2 brands I found 2 decades ago, in the events and multimedia space, namely ANOKHI LIFE and OPEN CHEST, as well as my newest brand, THE OPEN CHEST CONFIDENCE ACADEMY, where the focus this year is on 3 ways our clients can work with my team and I:
1) Coaching, Consulting, and Mentoring Services: To serve our clients specific needs in one-on-one virtual sessions with me and a team of experts as needed.
2) 5 Guided Mastermind Courses: Comprising of independent study modules & workbooks, a homework help desk, and a one-on-one consulting session upon graduation.
3) Media & Marketing Services: To create our clients branding, media, and marketing assets (i.e. online courses, podcasts, etc.), as well as assist them in building and growing their brand authority.
If you would like to learn more, why not book a free discovery call HERE. If you just have a question or two, feel free to email us at [email protected].
For those of you new to my world, my 20 years in the media and marketing industries has had me involved in everything from:
– Interviewing high-profile personalities and celebrities around the globe, to garner their expert insights on what has led them to tremendous success.
– To have them attend my various brands’ created and curated events, as performers, speakers, and/or awardees.
– To marketing and promoting new campaigns for globally syndicated, multi-national corporations.
And here’s the most valuable thing I’ve learned to date – that you can only perfect your expertise if you’re willing to deep dive the trenches of experience (firsthand by doing the work or secondhand (through someone else’s experience).
I’ve also learned that sitting at the bottom of the corporate pyramid as the CEO, is far more valuable than peacocking at the top (and I’ve done both), because you learn more from the doers at the bottom than the lip servers at the top.
Another thing I’ve learned is that the best people to lift up your vision are the ones that can see beyond your limitations. And mark my words guys, these are the most destructive people you will ever come across, because they know how to get the visionaries – people like you and me – to where they so desperately want to go.
My advice to you regarding them? Let them be destructive and shake shit up, because the reality is, to build up better, you have to break down what exists that’s doesn’t work anymore. I’ve learned the hard way that what’s scarier than trusting the perceived crazies, is not trusting your decision that you should.
I’ve worked with so many people who at the core of their failure, didn’t trust their own gut. I know, because I’ve also been that person and I’ve learnt that when I trust myself, I always get it right. Even if that right is to correct a wrong.
I know there’s a big mindset shift for those of you not trained to look at opportunities for growth that reside in the alternative arena to what conventional wisdom has taught us, so my advice to you if that’s you, is to take a leap of faith and open your mind to look beyond your conditioning, and expand your horizons
And for those of you who would like help with the mindset piece, I guide my clients through a proprietary system that includes coaching, consulting, and mentoring one-on-one. This high touch, customized environment is best suited to focus on you and your needs exclusively, where my goal is to meet you where you are and work at your pace to get results that make sense to you.
>>> I have worked with over 5,000 brands over 20 years in the media and communications space, so you’re in good hands with me <<<
I hope to have the opportunity to work with you when you’re ready! And if that’s now, access the 5 courses HERE,our one-on-one services HERE, and if you’re not sure where you need help, book a free discovery call HERE.
In the meantime, thank you so much for hanging out with me here. I sincerely hope we bring some value into your world each week.
Until next week, take care of yourself and your loved ones!