Raj Girn: We continue this week with Media and Communications as the theme and our Part 2 of a 2-part series called “Today’s Most Effective Social Media Strategies that Work for Businesses”. My guess is Corporate Social Media Trainer and Online Personal Brand Strategist Cher Jones, who is the founder of Socially Active Training, where she leverages over 20 years of PR marketing and broadcasting experience to help professionals, leaders, and consultants develop a credible and strategic online presence while teaching them how to use social media at work for work.
Cher is also the host of a weekly LinkedIn live stream show called #JustAskCher LIVE, where she offers tips and advice to help you develop a powerful and professional brand online. Here’s what to expect in Part 2 of our conversation.
Here is Part Two of our conversation:

Please welcome Cher Jones. For those people that haven’t really looked at social media from a business perspective, let’s break down a few of the things for them to think about and maybe sit with. What are some of the ways that business enterprises incorporate social media for some of the following things? Let me list a few of those for you Cher.
First of all, let’s talk about the one that you are an expert, in branding. Tell us about that piece. Is it a visual thing? Is it how you speak? What is it about the branding piece on social media that people that are using it for a business need to know?

Cher Jones: OK, so at the individual level and that’s really where my expertise is, is how you show up, how you talk, talk about yourself, but making sure there’s a consistent and cohesive brand. That is strategic. It doesn’t have to be perfectly polished and perfected because we don’t trust that anymore. We want to see some real, we want to see, we connect with the real. We want to feel like that person is accessible. But at the end of the day, when you’re thinking about your brand and how it shows up when you’ve got to figure out what’s your money network, so that you are spending a majority of your time on that network. You can decide that you want to be on five networks. But what happens? What happens when you do that is you spread yourself too thin and the real Cher won’t show up because I’m just spread too thin and I’m just basically responding at a surface level.
So you can go in and dive in, and connect with the people at the end, your money network, whatever network that makes sense for you as far as the best opportunities and the best conversion on those opportunities. But at the end of the day, even though my money network is on LinkedIn, I know that from a cohesive brand perspective, when you check me out on Facebook, when you check me out on Instagram or Twitter or anywhere else, you see that I am the same person, maybe a slightly different angle, a different viewpoint.
But it’s I could talk to any of those pieces of, like if you said, “oh, I saw you posted this on Instagram or saw this on Tick-Tock,” I saw this wherever and I could talk to it and I wouldn’t be embarrassed. Or you add in the other personal level of dating. So, for example, if you’re on Tumblr or Tinder or wherever you are, that’s a part of your brand that comes with you, like it or not. You just have to have that cohesive look and feel where one brand doesn’t embarrass the other. So you are authentic to who you are and your audience, but it’s just another viewpoint to the person that shows up in front of them.
Absolutely. And I guess that translates over also where you are using social media to promote something. Let’s talk a little bit about that, because, traditional advertising, billboards, what have your ads, they’re always static unless they were on TV. But they’re always like you said, traditional TV, traditional advertising is very produced. Now, when you’re looking at marketing and promoting in social media, what do people need to know?
I think it’s about looking at the entire story of what it is you’re trying to market and promote, so it’s not just the end product because we still come up with well-produced. If you have a course or if you have a book coming out, if you’re speaking or whatever, you are a subject matter expert, there’s going to be produced, awesomely produced quality stuff that speaks to the full brand experience. And so they’re still necessary. But what you can do is, in addition to those pieces that will play a part in the role, even if you’re launching a webinar or whatever, you have to look at social media, use it to tell a story of what it is you’re doing.
So don’t wait, because what people do is they never share the behind the scenes and they just post their “oh, I’m ready to launch, I have all my creative together, let’s go”. The beauty of social media is telling the story. So all of these creatives that you have and you’ve invested into, now people are invested into the story, like even telling the story of working with these designers today. It’s frustrating or it’s awesome. And I have these two things. Tell me, what do you think? And then people want to hear the final and want to see the final product. Also, you’ve been if you’re strategic about it, this is where the strategy doesn’t just post it.
Think about ways that you can organically, as much as possible, talk about the value that you are delivering and what you promise, educate people on those you help. You don’t have to do it all in one fell swoop like you have these little micro opportunities to constantly stay visible. I remember we talked about before that credibility plus visibility equals opportunity. And you miss out on opportunities because people don’t remember you. They may not remember you at launch time but tell the story.
“Credibility plus visibility equals opportunity” ~Cher Jones
And that’s interesting because now you bring me to a point around the idea of engagement, how is engagement strategy on social media different in the professional arena versus personal?
I don’t think it is. I think if you are authentically you and if you’re recognizable….we always have to be safe at the end of the day. So I want to be safe, especially in the professional environment. You really got to be safe in how you show up. Like there are certain things that if you wouldn’t say that in-network event, don’t post it in your professional environment. But at the same time, if you are comfortable enough posting it on a YouTube comment or as a tweet or Facebook or wherever, you better be comfortable enough that if someone says, “hey, I saw that thing that you posted on Instagram or that comment”, you need to be able to own it. But no, you also have to recognize the platform you’re using at the time. So engagement matters at the end of the day because engagement is what makes the algorithm go right. So this is really important.
I think as people leverage social media, they still treat it like advertising if they’re renting space they didn’t pay for. So they post this up and they assume that everybody’s going to see it. And that’s not the case at all. People see it because the algorithm shows it to them.
“The algorithm works based on analyzing who you engage with and what type of content you engage with, who are you responding to, whose stuff are you liking? Because what it’s looking for are relationships. And the algorithm’s job is to keep you on the network.” ~Cher Jones
So if the algorithm shows you a bunch of people’s stuff that you couldn’t care less about, you’re less likely to stay on that network. But it’s constantly analyzing the type of content you like, the type of people that you connect with, and it’s going to show you more of that. So if you’re not connecting or liking with the people that are liking or DMing, the people that you want to do business with, you will lose your visibility with them. And they forget you.

Yeah. And that’s another key thing that I think that people need to understand as well, because, you’ll see people that get so many comments and so much stuff, and they think it’s because they are paying for lots of advertising, which is also a piece of the strategy.
And it’s important if you’ve got the budget to go there. But a lot of what Cher is talking about here are things that don’t cost money, guys. And here’s the advantage of understanding social media strategy, so let me ask you this Cher, what are some of the trends that you’re seeing emerging in social media right now that are aligned more with business use? Is there anything you can share?
There’s a lot more. I mean, there’s a lot more of this. So the accessibility to create podcasts has blown up and video interview shows. So this is huge. But this is an opportunity because the cream will always rise to the top. So if it’s good, it’s good. If you’re delivering value, especially look at how you look at the amount of time that you personally put in into working with the guests that you invite, as you research them. You spend your time, like you guys, everybody watching and listening. If you could see the notes that I got, the show notes just to prep for this and was amazing. And like the amount of work that goes into producing something like this and ensuring that at the end of the day, the value is for your audience. And that is why Raj you have been investing in this, because you are trying to deliver and you’re succeeding at it, but delivering value to your audience.
Thank you.
You’re welcome. But it’s just a truth like you put the work in so that your audience can benefit, so you can serve your audience and build that trust so that they know that whatever you put out there, they can trust the quality is going to be awesome. Right. But so where I see the opportunity right now is, for subject matter experts, for people who want that visibility in their space, to look for the players like yourself who are creating content and build a relationship with them, because chances are, if you are well branded and you start to comment and show up on their social, they take a look at who you are and what you bring to the table, you may get the invite before you even have to ask. And I just think it’s just a huge… I call it OPP – “Other People’s Platforms”. And you’ve got to get down with OPP, yeah you know me.
I love that.
Let me ask you a few common questions that I find a lot of my clients get lost in, and I want to bring them to you. Is there a difference between how to use social media in different sizes of businesses? Because, this whole imposter syndrome that you slightly touched on a little earlier, the smaller solopreneur vs these big global multinationals. Can you share some insights around that? Because a lot of people get intimidated going on the same platforms as these big multinationals thinking “I’m just like that one person”. What are your thoughts on that? Is there a difference?
I think there’s an advantage. OK, I think there’s a huge advantage when you can churn out content faster than they can. But what you’re probably doing is comparing your production value to their production budget. And it’s not fair. But if you focus and this is what it comes back down to, focus on serving your audience, focus on delivering value to your audience at every level. Doesn’t matter whether you have a million-dollar production budget to do what you need to do, marketing, budget, whatever, or you’ve got a ten-dollar budget. It doesn’t matter if you focus on value, focus on delivering what you need to deliver. That is hands down across the board. And I feel that most majors, especially at a corporate level, don’t put out value. Don’t get me wrong, but they can’t turn it out fast enough because it costs too much. Where we are nimble enough that it’s about just focusing on your audience. Don’t focus on anything else, it will come. And this stuff takes time.
They can buy access through ads and ad charges a phenomenal strategy and should be part of a more mature social presence as far as from a branding perspective and reach perspective.

But in the beginning, just put out stuff, put out content in your sweet spot. In your zone of genius, whether you like to get up and speak or whether you like to create videos, because speaking is this is probably the easiest way if you’re comfortable enough having a conversation about your zone of genius and you’re just there with the heart of doing value, like delivering value, this is probably the best thing. But again, maybe you’re a writer and you can write blog posts and then, or you like doing video, whatever it is you do that based one, and then you remix it into multiple pieces of content. Then you build the relationships under the comments, you build the relationships in the news feed, and trust me, do not be intimidated by the big-budget people. They’re probably serving a different audience than you are too. So you got to focus on your audience and don’t look at what somebody else is doing. Even the more established solopreneur who looks like their branding is all together and they’ve invested so much here. Just keep on plugging away and keep on building your content assets. You can also, as you build them, redo them. So if you’ve written something two years down the road, you’ve made it evergreen or if you’ve updated, you can reshoot it with a new budget. Stuff doesn’t go to waste. It does not go to waste.
Absolutely. So, I mean, I think you have answered this question, but in case you have anything else to add, I want to ask you, what about companies whose consumer base, again, this could be anything from solopreneur upwards, where your consumer base is regional, national versus international in scope? Is there a difference in terms of the use of social media? I mean, obviously, the use of ads and all of that is a whole different ball game.
But just from an organic marketing perspective, with the use of social media, is there a different strategy in your mind to think about if your consumer base is indifferent pockets?
Yes, you have to make sure that they feel like you’re for them. So especially from a geo-specific area that you like, I target this geo-specific area and I need to make sure that my customers know.
So I’m not trying to build. And that’s where a lot of entrepreneurs go wrong. They try to build this global audience, but yet they can only serve people locally. And it’s not to say that that global audience can’t contribute, they’re not paying customers if you don’t have a strategy to serve them.
Or if there isn’t a bigger picture strategy, it’s like eventually I’ll write a book or eventually I want to speak. So there’s value for that audience. You need to go local.
You need to go local in your follower acquisition. And what I mean, that sounds so technical, but how you’re going out to find followers. If it’s geo-specific to a region or a town, for example, it’s like you need to go. Who are the other social players in your town that are doing well? Who are the influencers that you can feature, give them your product to or give them your service or whatnot, where you can co-create, collaborate content with or maybe pay them for access to them and maybe create a collaboration deal? Who knows? But you have to think local so that you’re building the trust of the audience who can actually pay you. Don’t think large numbers, think the more local you can get, the better.
“You have to think locally so that you’re building the trust of the audience who can actually pay you. Don’t think large numbers, think the more local you can get, the better.” ~Cher Jones
Oh, I love that strategy. It just really takes it’s, almost like you can feel the pressure coming off of your shoulders when you don’t need to try and compete with people who seem to be so massively global because at the end of the day if you are a business, your purpose is how many people can you serve? I mean, that’s what it comes down to. Right?
Exactly. So it’s like just exactly what you said Raj, how many people can you serve? Do you need to get ten thousand followers this year if you can only serve 20 clients this year?
Yes, you’re right. When you put it like that…
Seriously, I would rather have 500 die-hard, ideal just share clients. These are the people I’ll probably serve, maybe 25-50 of them in the year and I’m good with that. I mean, if I have that 500 deep networks of people who are referring me, they generally enjoy and consume my content. That’s what you need, a focus. Focus on those people. You don’t need Kim Kardashian followers because they aren’t buying your stuff anyway.
Absolutely. So you just bought something to the table here that I’m now going to ask you is, is there a different strategy that you suggest from a social media perspective when it comes to selling a product versus the service? You just talked about Kim Kardashian. So that’s a product all the way home, product versus services. Is there anything a social media-wise person should think about that could potentially differentiate your strategy? Or, do you feel it’s just a lot of the same as what we’ve just been talking about? What are your thoughts?
I think there are always paths, different paths, but at the end of the day, there are still fundamentals that matter regardless if there a clear path to doing business with you? Do I? Is it? Are you asking for the business? With products, there’s more of a demonstration. So it’s more of a visual approach to that and that education around the product. But then with the services, educating them around the service, why they need it, what are the issues that are the underlying issues that this service can solve? What are the troubleshooting issues? Or then if it’s a product, how does it work? What are the different applications for it? Who has used it? So it’s literally the same stuff as like…is being able to create this content quick enough that you are say sasiating that appetite of the researcher. Right, satiate and staying in touch with the network that you’re building. At the end of the day, it’s not like, we just want to know how something works or understand what something is.
And, a lot of the business that we’ve been talking about has been more commercial. It’s been about the for-profit industry. So, is there a difference if you’re a non-for-profit organization, association initiative, is there something they need to know that maybe is a little different from the for-profit? Or, do you feel that the social media strategies in and by themselves are very usable for non-for-profit because you are still selling the idea. So talk to me about that. I don’t want to put words in your mouth.

OK, so you’re absolutely selling, but you’re selling transformation, you’re selling the process and you’re selling the problem. Because you’re selling the problem so that you can then position yourself as part of the solution and why you need support. So you have to sell the problem. You have to be selling. Sounds so weird to say it, but you’re educating people to say this sounds better. But at the end of the day, you’re still selling. Probably, yes. If you still look, it just sounds so real and you say like that, but we’ll say it then that’s what you’re educating people about the issue, right? You’re letting people know that this is a problem and this is the impact of that problem if left untouched and then you are selling – well, here are the results that we’ve achieved so far.
This is the process. So, all of this can also be related at the end of the day to whether it’s an individual or whether it’s a business, whether it’s a nonprofit, it’s telling those stories. I think it comes down to stories of impact. However, you are impacting whatever your products are impacting because your product impact, productivity, happiness, whatever. At the end of the day, it’s showcasing that impact and then showing different use cases for it, also showing the people behind the products. People in the development team, if it’s a product, if it’s a nonprofit show, the people on the board and why they’re so passionate about, show the leadership, show transformative cases where they are now a part of the solution.
It’s not just like they were a benefactor, but now there are always non-profits. You’ll always find those stories of the day. Again, it’s going back to telling the story and separating the concept of marketing and advertising from content. Yes, just content marketing strategies. And that’s the back end of the strategy, how it’s going to roll out, and all that stuff. But content doesn’t need to be produced always at the same level that we know traditional marketing and advertising has been done.
Absolutely. Folks, if you’re just joining me, I am talking to the fabulous Cher Jones. She is a Social Media Trainer and Personal Branding Coach. I personally think she’s the social media queen.
And you got to listen back to everything that we just finished talking about. So many takeaways for you guys, whether you are on YouTube listening to this on a podcast or you are reading about it on our blog. This really is for you if you are looking to figure out why social media is so impactful in lives today outside of the communal personal element of it and how it can be incorporated correctly for the right intention. Cher, I want to ask you this. How can a person look at hiring an expert like yourself? Can we maybe give people some benchmarks and what they should be looking at?
Because, when you go on Google or you try to find someone that’s a social media expert, literally every other ad is someone saying they are an expert. But it’s very difficult to know if they’re, because we don’t know what to look for. So what do you feel people need to look for when they’re looking for someone like you?
So you want to look at if they say they do everything, they’re probably not the one. Unless it’s an agency of people. You want to look for people who have their sweet spots like for me, my jam is LinkedIn, a little bit on Instagram, but I focus primarily on that professional digital presence. So that’s where I focus. But then you might need someone who’s building a Facebook community and needs help with that or Facebook advertising strategy. That’s totally not in my lane. And I slam in my lane. But I need to make sure that I communicate what I do.
So I think that you need to get a clear indication of what this person’s expertise is and then figure out do they, does that expertise align with what you need, and then go look for social proof. I can tell you, and it’s interesting because I’m not going to say – that the expert that you’ll work with, it’s not always because their brand is popping. They need to put content out, but they’re often creating and working with other people and they can only do so much. So they don’t need it. In fact, when I see too much social media and someone who’s way too social, and they’re always producing content, unless there’s evidence of a team, it’s clearly one person. If there’s evidence of a team, totally different story, but someone who’s too active is like, are you working with any clients?
I know that sounds awful because you do want to see proof. You do want to see when they do post stuff, it’s not necessarily, like, my stuff does pretty well, but it’s not necessarily about the number of likes, it’s the engagement, it’s the quality. And see what people are saying because there’s often like, I can tell you that even in the comments of stuff that people make on my content, you can see right away that people are saying – this helped me a lot. It was great. Thank you so much for sharing that. That’s what you want to see. It’s not as much about frequency, because I am friends with a lot of my competitive collaborators. And they’re going in active spurts. And I do the same thing.
I mean, I have one thing that’s consistent with which is my show, and that just locks me down because I commit to 8 p.m. EST every Thursday night. So I am committed to that. But outside of that, its like, you really want to see if this person doing what they’re saying they’re doing? Is there evidence that they can do it? And then when you have a conversation with them, are they listening to what you’re saying and what you need? Because something worked for me, I don’t think everybody needs to do a live. That’s my form of content.
Does it mean that, because what you’ll find is some experts are experts at what they do for themselves, and that’s it. For me, that’s not good enough, because I need to be able to apply my expertise to your situation. So you need to have a conversation with them. You need to talk to them. You need to see does this person see my vision? Because I don’t work with everybody who calls me. If I don’t feel I could help them blow up their brand or help them accomplish what they said they need to accomplish. And it’s not necessarily what people would think from a social media perspective of what they want to accomplish. It’s not always about 500 likes. And it’s not that sometimes it’s like I need to make sure that I’m building credibility with this audience. Boom. That’s what we’re going to do that’s going to focus on. So you just need to talk to them and look for the proof and make sure that they’re not the jack of all trades.
Right. Oh, my God, I love that. And that’s the important thing here is and I’m a real fan of mentorship, coaching, consulting, therapy, all of it. Because I do believe that we are holistic human beings. So why are we only feeding one element of who we are, right? That adapts very well to what you just finished saying – hone in on what it is that you’re looking to solve and find the expert that can help you get there. And if you don’t know what that is, that maybe you need the expert that’s going to help you unpack that. Yeah. That you can come to your truth, right?
“Hone in on what it is that you’re looking to solve and find the expert that can help you get there. And if you don’t know what that is, that maybe you need the expert that’s going to help you unpack that.” ~Raj Girn
Absolutely. And you need to consume some of their content, see if it resonates with you, and then go from there. And then the other thing is funny. You mentioned that just the value of coaching, you need to ask that potential coach, do you have a coach? Do you work with somebody and not necessarily on the thing that they’re doing, but do you have a coach? Because you need to see that person values coaching. If the last time they had a coach was three years ago, they don’t value coaching.
Says everything, doesn’t it, and it’s great that you’re saying that because I said, I laugh about this all the time with people when I have my new client conversations and they say, “well, you know, but, you know, everything”. You’re this, you’re that. And I say, “sweetheart, I have a coach for every aspect of my existence and I’m not even lying”. They may not be called coaches. They can be mentors, coaches, consultants, therapists, my nail person. They are real people that are experts in something that bring value to my life. This is what I’m talking about because I really believe in holistic leadership. I believe in living a holistic life. And in order to do that, you need an army of people around you to help you understand what that needs to be for you. And that’s the thing about staying in your lane.
My social media queen here, she has a lane, guys, and you’ve just spent an hour with her and really understanding and unpacking some of these things that we don’t really realize in terms of how powerful social media is. I mean, most of everything that we spoke about in this hour today, folks, has not even talked about spending a dime. Think about that for a second. People think, oh, my God, I need these massive budgets. I can’t compete out there. But you don’t. I mean, a lot of these brands that have grown they done it organically, but they’ve got expertise around it.
That’s the other thing that needs to be understood. Let me ask you this Cher, before we go there, final thoughts on anything that you feel you want to kind of wrap upon in this conversation that you’d like to share with everyone?
Yeah, I would say definitely with your presence, take the time to be strategic, take the time to figure out what it is you want to accomplish by being social. Because when you can quantify that accomplishment, when you can visualize what this can help you do, all of a sudden you can then justify the time, because this definitely takes time and effort and that strategy drawing up and working on your positioning so that, it helps you get what you want is key.
“Take that time, be strategic, know what you want. And you don’t have to know what you want 10 years from now. Just know what you want in the next year.” ~Cher Jones
What do you want to accomplish? Because you will pivot. You will lead. No one thought of 2020 coming, the plans – I had for 2020 say everyone.
And so project a year out. Especially right now as we have this opportunity to determine our next normal. We have this wonderful opportunity to do that. We can look, we can inference from what’s happening and what’s going on, and also looking at your industry to where it’s going. Because you can position yourself based off of the next normal where you think things just like as. We look at hybrid, everything, hybrid, digital, real-life or physical life sort of thing, that’s what it is. So how can you start positioning yourself that it makes sense that you’re part of whatever’s coming up next? So it’s strategic.

Absolutely. And what you just said there in terms of adapting and figuring out what your new normal needs to be, the businesses that don’t understand how to do that, because now you are bringing another question to my mind. Businesses that don’t know how to do that based on this pandemic and the fact that all of a sudden everybody has got to pivot online, what are maybe one or two things that people that aren’t familiar with being online but need to source consumer base online.
What are one or two things that you can say to them from a social media organic perspective? What are your thoughts? I mean, personally, I feel they need to call you but other than that, what are a couple of things that you feel they need to do right off the bat?
OK, so really it goes back to knowing their customer and who their customer is, and looking at the network where you can best communicate with them, where are they hanging out, where they want to hear your message? Knowing that off the bat is probably the most important because you don’t have time, especially if you’re brand new, jumping in, or just trying to like you’ve had all these social media accounts, at least in your name. So you got them, but you’re not really being social. Pick one, pick the best one, because, quite frankly, your customers are everywhere. It’s just where are they willing to listen to your message and consume it in the right mindset, so that is where you need to be and that might be some adoption.
And adoption for you as well because that might not be a natural space, but you can’t say build it and they will come. No, you got to go to them and then build it. You got to be where the conversations are already happening and then join the conversation and then determine talking to your customers, your whatever customers you have access to. Talk to them. What is it that’s struggling with them right now because that also helps you prepare for that next normal is. What are they dealing with now? What are they afraid of? What’s in their way? What do they need to know? Because now you need to position your content and hopefully your products based on what they’re telling you. And that will help you position you, your products, everything, based on that. So that’s what I would say people need to do. And so it’s so basic. It’s like basic marketing. But that’s what matters for, you’re not even ready for primetime social yet. You need to do those two steps first.
Oh, my God, I love that you said that prime time social. Spoken like a true broadcast journalist. My final question for you is this Cher, can a business succeed without social media strategy?
Yes, but very few. There are some people who don’t need it, they live and it’s very rare. It’s very rare. But I would be ignorant to say, no, you can’t. I think that you’re shooting yourself in the foot. I think that relying on your book of business that you may have had could be a tragic ending to your business. I have seen some businesses that just aren’t social. But I would never recommend it. I’m just saying it is possible, but it’s not my recommendation. You got to go. You’ve got to talk to your customer. You’ve got to be in front of your customer. Isn’t that what business is? Being in it for your customers, having conversations with your customers, figuring out what they want, letting them know that you do it or have it, and then leading them down the path of buying it and serving them.
“You’ve got to talk to your customer. You’ve got to be in front of your customer. Isn’t that what business is? Being in it for your customers, having conversations with your customers, figuring out what they want, letting them know that you do it or have it, and then leading them down the path of buying it and serving them.” ~Cher Jones
So finally Cher, how can people get a hold of you in case they want to find out more about what you do, and if what you do is something that they could add to what they’re trying to accomplish with their lives?
Absolutely. So I would love for the first and foremost, as I talked about earlier in the show, is to get connected with me on LinkedIn. Just look me up. I would love to connect with you there first. I’m also on all the other social platforms under itcherjones. And of course, my website is sociallyactivetraining.com.
And do you have an email? Let’s throw it out there.
Why not, [email protected]
Cher, You are the absolute sweetest. You are so giving. And you know, I just really look forward to the opportunity to be able to chat with you again. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you and to inspire with you. And I really do hope and I encourage anyone out there that’s looking to figure out their social media game. You’ve got to go check out Chers show on 8:00 pm. Let’s talk about that again. Let’s people know how they can check out your show live and ask you questions live.
Absolutely. In fact, the hashtag for the show is #JustAskCher. And it is a weekly live series on LinkedIn, on Twitter, is streamed to all the major platforms, so LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.
So you can watch it there, all the recordings are on YouTube as well. But the action as far as the comments in the community and the comments that are on LinkedIn, that’s where all the action is. It’s every Thursday night, 8:00 p.m. EST and is a great way to learn, just like I don’t hold back. It’s just not in my nature to do that. So constantly every week I’m teaching something new and I have different things that I share. So every week I share a new app that I create with or use. I also break down content. So I call them scroll stoppers and I talk about what made me stop my thumb from scrolling. And I break it down so that you can use that idea and transform it into your own content. And then of course, as I said, I teach a lesson as well every single week.
Well, talk about value. And that’s the thing that I would like to leave everyone with, with my conversation with you Cher is that look for a coach, a consultant, an expert, someone you want to work with that actually doesn’t hold back.
That actually is truly in the game to help you better your existence, your life, whether it be in your personal arena, your spiritual arena, your physical arena, your business arena, whatever it may be. You know, to me, that is the crux of the criteria that I personally look for. And I have been using experts for two decades of my life, Cher. So I want to leave people with that nugget of wisdom is that if you feel that the person that you’re looking for is a very giving person in terms of who they are, chances are that they’re going to be the right person for you because their DNA already is to want to make sure that they’re able to do their job for you.
100%. And this was just something I’ll just leave this little tidbit of information that was really helpful for me when I was first starting my business, and it was about fighting imposter syndrome. If you commit to making sure your client has the best experience, you can put something out there and know that you can amend along the way, and make sure that they get what you believe they expected. And then as you continue to do that, eventually you’ll lock into your sweet spot and you’ll figure everything out. But just if you commit to that client experience, you will never go hungry. And what’s for you is for you. And I know that my steps are ordered. So I’m here to serve.
“If you commit to making sure your client has the best experience, you can put something out there and know that you can amend along the way, and make sure that they get what you believe they expected.” ~Cher Jones
Amen sister, thank you so much. Thank you for honoring me and our audience with all of your wealth of wisdom. And please, guys, go check out Cher`s show, 8:00 p.m. EST on LinkedIn on Thursdays and hit her up if you’re looking to figure out your social media muscle, because she’s the gal. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your time. And please come back on, let’s talk some more.
I’m so ready. You say the time, I’m there.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for staying till the end, guys. You know that I really hope that you enjoyed the show and that you’ll really use these tips and insights from experience from these great experts that we bring to the table. So that you too can really level things up in your professional life, which in turn will really change things when it comes to your personal life. Because, at the end of the day, the most important thing is creating a holistic experience for your life.
If any of you doubted the power of leveraging social media strategy in business, I really hope that this 2-part series has been able to swing you over to our side. Even if it’s not your thing for personal use, it definitely needs to be a serious consideration for your business goals. And if you don’t know where to start, why don’t you just contact Cher or me, for that matter? And we will definitely love to steer you in the right direction. And if it’s not something that we can help you with, we will definitely find someone that may be the right fit for you. So please do contact us.
If you found the show helpful I’m so glad. I would love your support by subscribing to this podcast on your Apple and Android platforms. Search The Transform Your Confidence Show or YouTube channel at The Open Chest Confidence Academy. And if you’re an avid reader like I am, we’re also transcribing every podcast into a blog which you can access at the OpenChestConfidenceAcademy.com/media/our-media, and also please hop over to our private Facebook group at Transform Your Confidence, whether on networking opportunities as well as knowledge and resources about mindset, media, communications, branding, marketing, leadership and advocacy for busy executives and entrepreneurs who are seeking to elevate the quality of their life. You know, you’ve got to be there.
I always pop in and say hello and just bring questions to the table, questions that are reoccurring with the clients that I work with. And I really want you to garner the expertise and some case studies that we share now and again, some case studies that bring light, a lot of these valuable tips.
As always, thank you for tuning in, guys. Until the next episode. Take care of yourself.
To contact Cher Jones: LinkedIn. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook